Julius caesar movie posters
Julius caesar movie posters

julius caesar movie posters

julius caesar movie posters

These three are known as Terrorcons as they stand apart from any of Cybertron’s usual factions. Scourge (Peter Dinklage) is the leader of Unicron’s minions, rounded out with Battletrap (David Sobolov) and Nightbird (MJ Rodriguez). We get the big bad Unicron in only a few scenes, and as a massive CGI planet-eating monster, it makes sense, I’m sure he was mighty expensive to create. There is a limited cast of robots, and most notably a much smaller group of villains than we typically see in these movies. For taking on a doomsday plot like this, this movie still does its best to keep things small. The car, of course, turns out to be an Autobot in hiding, and thus Noah gets pulled into the insane plot and battle for Cybertron still raging on. Having a hard time locking down a job interview, let alone a steady job, Noah takes up a friend’s offer of stealing a car a silver Porsche 911 Carrera RS, to be exact. Noah Diaz (Anthony Ramos) is a veteran who is working various side hustles to help support his mom and his young brother Kris, who has outstanding medical bills from some unknown illness that varies in severity and importance as the movie goes on. Jumping ahead in time to 1994 from the 1987 of the previous film, we are introduced to our human protagonist. For you Marvel Comics heads out there Unicron = Galactus and Scourge = Evil Silver Surfer. The Maximals have the key a small group of them take a starship to Earth, with the key, to protect it, hiding it from Unicron and Scourge. Simply, a giant God-like robotic entity named Unicron that devours planets sends his minion Scourge out to find something called the Transwarp Key, so he can jump through space and time to eat more planets so his tummy doesn’t rumble. We get the info dump of who they are, who the big bad is, and what they have that he wants. Switching things up by having Ron Perlman’s Optimus Primal give us the opening narration, the movie opens up thousands of years in the past with the Maximals, a faction of Transformers, living out their lives on a distant planet, not much different from Earth. Parker would call it for you younger viewers).

julius caesar movie posters julius caesar movie posters

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is a blending of the tones we have gotten previously in this series, between its human character-driven narrative and its bigger-than-life set pieces, giant robot fights, and its very typical Macguffin (or ‘goober’ as Peter B.


Feel free to call us and ask us about poster conservation and linen backing.Picking up seven years after Bumblebee, this second prequel in the Transformers series is looking to stand on its own while also bridging what is an effective standalone movie and the rest of the series to the Michael Bay era, and it is mostly successful in that endeavor. Six sheet posters may be linen backed to display as one continuous poster. We have photographed each of the panels separately and displayed them individually so that the buyer may assess the condition of each piece. Six sheet posters were generally published in four separate panels. This original six sheet poster is in fine condition. The film won the Oscar for Best Art Direction and was nominated for Best Actor for Brando, Best Cinematography for Joseph Ruttenberg, Best Music for Miklos Rozsa, and Best Picture. But a moving speech by CaesarÌ¢åÛåªs friend Antony forces the conspirators to flee Rome and eventually to kill themselves to avoid capture. This excellent production of the famous tragedy tells the story of the assassination of Caesar by Brutus, Cassius, and other high-ranking Romans who believe that CaesarÌ¢åÛåªs overarching ambition will lead to tyranny. Mankiewicz Shakespearean tragedy, JULIUS CAESAR (1953) starring Marlon Brando, James Mason, and John Gielgud. Original MGM Six Sheet Poster (81x81) for the Joseph L.

Julius caesar movie posters